Memorial Day Weekend

In search of nice weather (definitely lacking in the Spokane area at that time) we decided to go somewhere over the Memorial Day Weekend. As it happened we chose to go back to Phoenix, Arizona for the second time in six months.

Partially this was due to the fact that a direct flight from Spokane International would get us on-site in just over two hours, not to mention we were practically guaranteed sunny and warm weather. In addition, there were plenty of good restaurants that we had not gotten to eat at the last time we were there.

The flight on American Airline departed at 08:40AM Saturday morning, and we deplaned at Sky Harbor prior to 11:00AM. Unfortunately, check-in at the hotel wasn’t until 04:00PM, so we had some time to kill. I drove us to the Fashion Square Mall in Scottsdale and we ate lunch at Shake Shack before spending the next few hours shopping. Not my favorite activity by any stretch of the imagination, but we had time to kill. Continue reading “Memorial Day Weekend”

Four New Measles Cases in Puget Sound

KOMO News has reported that there are four new cases of measles in the Puget Sound area, and it looks like the commonality between the victims is SeaTac airport. Hardly surprising given the sheer number of people that flow through there on a daily basis. There is a reason, after all, that most books and movies that have a global pandemic in them utilize airports as a major vector. I suspect that more cases will come to light in the coming days.

It appears that one of the victims was fully immunized, but still managed to come down with this affliction. Three out of every one-hundred people will still become infected even if they have had the requisite two doses of the vaccination, nothing is ever perfect after all.

I generally try to steer clear of hot-button subjects such as politics and religion, but I am going to make an exception in this case. Some things deserve to be addressed and I feel that the whole anti-vax movement is one of these.

Don’t get me wrong, I firmly believe that people should be allowed to make choices, and electing not to vaccinate your children definitely falls under that category…but. It is one thing if your choices only affect you, but as soon as the decision crosses over to where it impacts other people then I firmly believe that there need to be consequences. Continue reading “Four New Measles Cases in Puget Sound”

Official Blog Business Cards


Well, it’s been a while since my last post and I do apologize for that, but I’ve been fairly busy. I’ve been interviewing for a new job, filling out a ginormous amount of paperwork, peeing into a cup for a complete stranger, as well as other fun-filled things.

High-school softball just wrapped up as of last Friday, so I get some of my time back that would otherwise be spent ubering the child back and forth, not to mention the many hours of actually watching the games, so that’s a good thing. And yet, I still haven’t been able to dedicate any appreciable amount of time to writing.

I did take the time to design some business cards for the blog using VistaPrint, and while I’ve picked my favorite, I’m also tossing them out there for your thoughts. Please comment and let me know which one you prefer.

In an attempt to be open and fair about it I happen to like the last one. Please vote…or for ever hold your peace. I’ll be ordering them in the next couple of weeks and will be handing them out at writer conferences and such.


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