Coronavirus (Covid-19): Should you worry?

The second death from Coronavirus in Washington State occurred this weekend. Even more worrying is that they now believe that the virus has been on the loose for many weeks, but remained undetected. All of this news contributed to a certain amount of panic, and stores experienced a run on items that people were trying to stockpile (just in case). These items included, but were not limited to, bottled water and toilet-paper.

I am not among those who did so. Why? Because I don’t actually believe we are at a point where folks should run for the bunker and pull their heads in and hide…not yet. If one shunts aside emotion and panic, and looks clearly at the issue, it is readily apparent that we just don’t know enough about this virus, nor do we have enough hard data to make any sort of informed decision.

What we do know, or think we know, is highly suspect because the Chinese were less than forthcoming about the early phase of this disease. Rampant speculation and conspiracy theories abound, but if you weed carefully through what is out there you can find a few things that probably contain a grain of truth. Continue reading “Coronavirus (Covid-19): Should you worry?”

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