Another Honorable mention…

My 2nd Quarter submission to the Writers of the Future contest picked up another Silver Honorable mention.  I’m quite proud of the short story Six-gun Apotheosis, and this is the second time it has garnered this mention. I just wish it would earn some money…:)

I haven’t sent a story for consideration in the 3rd Quarter, and probably won’t since the deadline is June 30th, but I imagine that I will do so for the next.

I also did not submit for the PNWA contest this year, and have let my membership lapse. I just wasn’t utilizing the membership enough to justify paying the dues, not to mention how difficult I found it to stay within the 3000 word limit for submission to their contest.

The one major thing preventing me for spamming out shorts to every contest I can find is…I am most likely going to gather them all into a volume that I will release toward the end of the year, and I don’t want to have to set any aside just in case they were to win. Publishing rules preclude doing so.

I’ll keep you posted here when the book becomes available.

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