Becoming even more Italian…

So, I’ve been spending some time using to build out my family tree.  I don’t do this because I’m particularly fascinated by the subject, but rather because my wife found an article somewhere that says if you can trace your family roots back to a lineage from somewhere in Italy (and can prove it) then you are eligible for dual-citizenry and can get an Italian passport.

That’s not quite how I read it ( Especially given that there are a whole lot of caveats, but my daughter got really excited at the prospect…sigh.

Granted, there are several benefits to doing so if you can accomplish the deed, not least of which is it makes getting a job in Europe much easier.

Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the process of mapping out a family tree, good. Just stop there. Trust me, you will be thankful for never having to go down that particular rabbit-hole.

On the other hand, if you ignore my warnings, then you deserve the pain that follows…:) It seems simple enough on the surface, right? Start with your parents and go backward. If only it were so easy.

Even three generations in the past trustworthy records become scarce, and the ones you do find can be questionable. Names spelled differently, dates that don’t quite align, and other such anomalies make it somewhat of a guessing game. At some point you are forced to decide if the match is close enough. Not quite how I like to do things. Continue reading “Becoming even more Italian…”

Another Honorable mention…

I just got notified that my 2nd Quarter submission to the Writers of the Future contest has gotten an Honorable mention. That’s nice and all, but it still isn’t a win, nor does it come with a check.

The story, The Interview, is a short set in a world full of supers. I’ve been working on a novel that gives my take on what such a world would be like, and this short story idea actually came from one of my earlier blogs (The problem with superheroes).  I didn’t have a great deal of hope for it since there wasn’t much background to firmly set it in place, but I liked it.

I missed out on Q3, not having submitted on time, and am still trying to decide what to send in for Q4. I have a few candidates, but don’t feel that they are strong enough, or they have other issues (such as violence and salty language) that would disqualify them. I guess we’ll see what I end up doing.

I’ll update this blog when such an event occurs.

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