The best laid plans…

So… surprising even myself, I started writing book 4 of The Alexander Matthews Chronicles. This was never my intent, in fact, the plan was to publish a short story collection, followed by a novel set in the Superhero genre.

My brain decided otherwise. It kept throwing ideas for the new book at me: Title, opening sequence, some ideas for parts of the story line, and how to write it with both Alexander/Tina and Decimus/Maria as the main focus.

I finally broke down and started it two days ago and put 1000 words down before I knew it. So, I guess that’s what’s going to happen…sigh The best laid plans of mice and men, I guess.

Things would be so much simpler if I was independently wealthy, or at least made enough off of book sales to support myself, because then I would have the time for all of the projects that I have planned out in various stages of completion.

Ah well, c’est la vie

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