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The new Kindle cover has gone live for Dire Consequences, and I started running an ad campaign for it on Amazon. I guess we’ll see how that goes.

I’m starting to get nervous about the likelihood of all three books hitting the end of year deadline. The cover artists are rocking it, so they aren’t the problem, but the formatter is super slow. So far all I have gotten from him is the Kindle for book one, and I really need the print version….like now.

As a matter of fact the cover team has already wrapped up the work on Dire Circumstances, and I’ll be sending them the brief for Dire Straits either today or Monday.

The problem is they can’t finalize the print covers until I have total page count from the formatter, and….sigh. Anyway, a little frustrating, but I was really happy with the Kindle format, and I want the same vendor to do all three books in the trilogy.

I’ll leave you with a sneak peak of book two:

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