Getting tired of this shit…

Yet another mass shooting in the news, and folks, I’m getting really tired of this shit. When did peoples best option become gunning down as many innocents as possible before committing suicide? Or even worse, killing indiscriminately then allowing yourself to be arrested?

If you expect some long-winded anti-gun rant, then you should just move along. This ain’t it.

If you think this is going to be a frothing at the mouth pry it from my cold dead fingers manifesto, then you should go away, too.

What it IS is me wondering what the ever-living fuck is wrong with people?

Hey, you want to commit suicide? Knock yourself out, bro. As far as I’m concerned that is your right, your call, and no one can tell you otherwise. Where I draw the line is when you decide that taking five, ten, or even fifteen other people with you is the bestest idea EVER. Fuck you.

When did suicide become a participatory event? One where innocent bystanders become part of the game, even unknowingly? Evidently sitting in the basement and blowing your brains out just doesn’t cut it anymore. Oh no, you need a body-count to go along with it. Speaking for myself, and I’m sure all other sane people, no thanks.

Life sucks and you just can’t take it anymore? Please exit this reality quietly…and alone. We’ve all got issues, dude, but we don’t all take them out on random people (or family members).  That five year old girl bleeding out next to her mother never did you any harm. The woman loading groceries into her car? The same. The seven folks you slammed your car into? Pretty sure they didn’t even know who the fuck you are.

My point is… Why is this now the norm? I’m 59 years old and I can honestly say that I don’t remember activity such as this when I was in my teens and twenties. Certainly not this frequently, nor so prevalently. Has society changed so much that we barely even blink an eye when these things happen, and keep on happening? It boggles my mind.

To be honest, my wife and I seriously considered Home-schooling our daughter, but it just wasn’t feasible for us. My parents never had to wonder if we would come home alive at the end of the day…but I do. This is so much bullshit, and we all know it, but somehow we have let things get out of control as a society.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-gun. That doesn’t mean I don’t think that the act of purchasing one shouldn’t have more built-in safeguards. I do. I’m all for making it harder for unstable individuals to get their hands on weapons. Hell, I don’t even hunt (too much an animal lover), my time is spent on the range. I enjoy using firearms, just not in destructive ways.

I served five years in the US Army, fired many different types of weapon, and played with all sorts of other explosive goodies. I owned weapons before I enlisted, and I own one now. And yet I don’t have uncontrollable urges to hurt people.

That being said, not everyone should be allowed to do so, and if at any point you become a danger to others, that right should be stripped from you…post haste. No question about it.

This isn’t a Red state/Blue state issue. Its just common fucking sense. Jesus Christ, not everything has to be a liberty or death scenario. We have the ability to make this better…what we lack is the will. And politicians on both sides will milk it for all its worth, never actually doing anything about it. Don’t get me started on those ass-hats…/rant off

The saga continues…

I just got the second pass on Dire Circumstances back from my editor, and so the saga continues. Truthfully, i haven’t even looked at the manuscript yet, but will do so over the next few days.

That being said, there has been a change in plans for the forthcoming books. First of all I have engaged DerangedDoctorDesign as my new cover artists of choice. Not only will they provide covers for book two and three of The Alexander Matthews Chronicles, they will also provide a new cover for Dire Consequences. I want all three covers to have the same look and feel, and this is the best way to go about it.

And yet…they are booked solid until mid-September. What this means is that the sequels won’t be available until the end of the year. That’s the bad news. The flip-side of the coin is that any sense of feeling rushed has disappeared completely. I now have the time for proper editing, formatting, and publishing. This should allow for a better organized advertising campaign as well.

Additionally, I am putting together a book of short stories which I plan on releasing mid-summer if all goes as planned (including the Origin story for Caterina). This means that I should have four books on the market by the end of December.

What’s next? I truly don’t know. I have several ideas (not related to the trilogy) that I want to explore, but I also have at least three more books that tie into Alexander’s story floating around in the back of my brain. Sooner or later I’ll have to make up my mind, I guess.

Meanwhile, get yourself a copy of Dire Consequences, make your friends purchase one, and most importantly, force your enemies to buy two…:)

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