Busy few months

Just finalized the editing on Dire Straits and started looking at all of the things I need to do to stay on schedule. It’s going to be a busy few months leading to the end of the year.

In order to have all three novels published by January I will have to meet several milestones along the way. I have mapped out the timelines and this is what I’ve come up with:

DDD: Covers (eBook, Print, animated cover, poster)
SEPT 02 2021- Dire Consequences $475
SEPT 20 2021- Dire Circumstances $475
NOV 04 2021-   Dire Straits $475

Polgarus: Formatting
SEPT 10 2021- Dire Consequences $115
SEPT 26 2021- Dire Circumstances $115
NOV 10 2021-   Dire Straits $115

Of course, this doesn’t include the advertising costs I will incur on Amazon. Unlike last time I am going to leverage this option when I publish, hopefully it will result in a sales increase. Only time will tell.


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